[Introduce] Bleach (manga)
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- Vee~TNMAA FinesT
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Bleach 423 Spoiler
Wed Oct 06, 2010 10:09 am
Credits: Ohana
Verification: Confirmed
Translation : Sheetz
Credits: Ohana
Verification: Confirmed
Translation : Sheetz
- Bleach 423:
46室 判決を言い渡す!!
元五番隊隊長 藍前惣右介 地下監獄最下層 第八監獄無間にて 1万8800年の投獄に処す! !
藍前 成程 君達如きがこの私に判決か 些か滑稽に映るな
46室 大逆人めが!!不死であるからと図にのりおって!!さっさ眼と口にも拘束をかけろ!! 刑を2万年 に引き上げろ!!
BLEACH Chapter 423 Farewell Swords
ヤマジー ぶわっかもん!!!!隊長羽織をなくしたじゃと!?破れたならともかく無くしたとは 何事じゃ!!
それでよく おぬしら平気な顔をしておるな!!心配になるわい!!
ビャクヤ 総隊長 心配されるな 安物の羽織程度私が立て替えておく故
ヤマジー そういう心配をしとるんじゃないわ!
それに安物でもないわ馬鹿者!! よいか!!戦いというものじゃ勝てば良いよ言うものではない !!
ケンパチ 邪魔
ビャクヤ 安物
享楽 お洒落?
ヤマジー 馬鹿もん度もがっ!!
浮竹部下 お元気そうっすね総隊長
浮竹 ああ 戦いから十日か… 左腕は失くされたが体力は戻られたようで安心したよ あの人の代わりをつと められる死神は
変な死神1 隊長 クロツチ隊長どちらですか!!
クロツチ部下 隊長ならいねえぞ 研究だとかでウエコムンドだ
変な死神1 ええ!?またですか!?まいったなあ 今臓器回復で雛森副隊長が十二番隊に預けられてるじゃな いですか
クロツチ部下1 仕方ねえな俺から説明してやる
変な死神1 すいません 松本副隊長
クロツチ部下 いねえじゃねえか
変な死神 あれ!?
ヒツガヤ このままじゃダメだ このままじゃ… このままじゃ俺は… いつまでたっても雛森を守れねえ 卍 解を氷輪丸を もっと自在に扱えるようにならなきゃいけねえ
影で松本 松本 前に進んでる 修兵も恋次も隊舎には居なかった きっと今頃どこかで刀を磨い てる
あたしもーーー 消えてしまうのに形見の一つも残してくれない
あんたの そういうところが嫌いだった だけど もしもあんたが形見を残していたら
あたしはきっと そこから いつまでだってうごけずにいたわ あんたはきっと あたしのそういう処も見抜い ていたのね ありがとうギン あたしはあんたのそういう処がーーー好きだったんだわ
織姫 あ!!
眼が覚める一護 髪は普通に戻ってる
織姫 黒崎くん!!
一護 え?あれ?ここ… 俺ん家か?
ルキア ああ 貴様はあれから一月ちかくも眠っておったのだ…
織姫 みんな落ち着いてる…あたし一人大きな声だしてはずかしい…
一護 一月… そうだ!俺んもチカラは…
ルキア …一護 裏原から聞いた 貴様は…死神の力をうしなったそうだな
一護 そうかきいたのか どうもそうらしいぜ 死神代行も返上しねえとな
ルキア 消失の第一段階では激痛を伴い 意識を失い 断界の中で肉体に起きた時間経過が逆流する 髪が短く なっておるだろう
それは我々がきったからではないぞ その時点で死神の力を失い 第二段階で残った霊圧が安定して眼を覚まし
程無く 残る全ての霊力も消えてゆく
一護 そうか やっぱりな
ルキア お 驚かぬのか?
一護 いや なんとなくな そんな気がしてたんだ 外に出ていいか?
一護 (霊の気配を感じない ルキアの気配も少しづつ薄れていってる 本当に俺の力はきえるん だな)
ルキア お別れだ 一護
一護 そうみてえだな
ルキア なんだ そうさびしそうな顔をするな 貴様に私がみえなくなっても私からは貴様が見え ているのだぞ
一護 何だそれ 全然嬉しくねーよ あとさびしそうなカオもしてねえ!
一護 みんなに よろしく伝えといてくれ
ルキア ああ
一護 じゃあな ルキア ありがとう
Central 46: The sentence is announced!
Former 5th Division Captain, Aizen Sousuke, is sentenced to 18,800 consecutive years in the 8th Prison, the lowest dungeon level.
Aizen: Indeed. People such as yourselves are passing judgement on me? Don’t joke.
Central 46: Just because you are immortal you go too far, traitor! Bind his eyes and mouth!! Add 20,000 more years to his sentence!!
BLEACH 423 Farewell Swords
Yamajii: Absurd!! You lost your Captain’s haoris? It’d be different if they were destroyed!!
Don’t have such calm expressions!! I’ll be worried!!
Byakuya: Commander, don’t be worried. It’s cheap so I’ve placed an order for another.
Yamajii: That’s not what I’m worried about!
That’s it’s cheap isn’t the issue, idiot!! Alright! Battle implements aren’t for hoping you can win!!
What on earth do you think a haori is!!
Kenpachi: A hindrance.
Byakuya: A cheap thing.
Kyouraku: A fashion accessory?
Yamajii: You’re all fools!!
Ukitake’s subordinate: The Commander seems healthy!
Ukitake: Yes, ten days after the battle?…He lost his left arm but I’m relieved his strength seems to have returned. There still isn’t a shinigami in Soul Society who can take his place.
Weird shingami 1: Captain, where can I find Captain Kurotsuchi!
Kurotsuchi’s subordinate: If you want the captain he’s not here. He’s in Hueco Mundo doing research or something.
Weird shinigami 1: Huh? Again? I give up. Didn’t he leave VC Hinamori with the 12th Division? She had her internal organs restored.
VC Matsumoto has come to pay her a visit.
Kurotsuchi’s subordinate: It’s no use. I’ll explain it to her.
Weird shinigami 1: Sorry, VC Matsumoto.
Kutsotsuchi’s subordinate: Isn’t she here?
Weird shinigami: Huh?
A cave.
Hitsugaya is swinging his sword.
Hitsugaya: It’s no use like this. If I remain this way…I’ll never be able to protect Hinamori. I need to be able to handle bankai and Hyourinmari more freely.
In the shadows is Matsumoto. Matsumoto steps forward. Neither Shuuhei and Renji are in the company house. They must be somewhere polishing their swords.
I…even though you’ve disappeared you didn’t leave me a single memento.
I hated how you’re like that, but if you were to leave a memento
I might never move on from there. You even perceived me in that spot. Thank you, Gin. That’s what I loved about you.
Ichigo’s room.
Orihime: Ah!
Ichigo wakes up. His hair is back to normal.
Orihime: Kurosaki-kun!!
Ichigo: Huh? Wha? This…is my room?
Rukia: Yes. You’ve been asleep for nearly a month.
Orihime: Everyone’s calmed down. I’m embarrassed I screamed aloud by myself.
Ichigo: One month…really? And my power is…
Rukia: …Ichigo, I heard from Urahara that you…lost your shinigami powers.
Ichigo: He told you that? I guess so. Looks like I’ll have to give up being a shinigami agent.
Rukia: When your powers disappear the first stage is intense pain and loss of consciousness. When your body passed through the dangai the passage of time was probably reversed and your hair became shorter.
Although we didn’t ask. At the time you lost your shinigami powers. The second stage is the stabilization of the spirit pressure and regaining consciousness.
Soon all your remaining spiritual power will disappear.
Ichigo: Really? I expected it.
Rukia: You’re not surprised.
Ichigo: No. I somehow had the feeling. Can I go outside?
Ichigo leaves the front door.
Ichigo: (I can’t sense the presence of spirits. Rukia’s presence is fading. My power really is fading.)
Rukia: This is farewell, Ichigo.
Ichigo: Looks like it.
Rukia: Hey, don’t look so sad! Even if you can’t see me I’ll be able to see you!
Ichigo: What? That’s not something to be glad about! I won’t even make a sad face later on!
Rukia disappears.
Ichigo: Give my regards to everyone.
Rukia: Yes.
Ichigo: See ya later, Rukia. Thanks.
Onto quieter days.
The end.
No Bleach next week.
Resumption scheduled for Volume 48.
- markjericTNMAA VIP Member
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Vendenreich to Invade Soul Society! – Bleach 489
Thu Apr 19, 2012 12:24 pm
- Spoiler:
Today’s fantastic Bleach 489 chapter features a whole load of fantastic information as well as the amazing start-ups to Ichigo and Kirge’s fight! Mayuri’s research is revealed that he’s behind a lot of the information. The Vice-Captains find out that there’s something wrong with how the people disappeared. The King of Vandenreich is ready to attack Soul Society, he gives the go to the attack!
This incredible chapter starts off as Rukia walks up and down because she’s concerned with the fact that Soul Society is literally going to be under attack. Renji tries to cool her down but can’t. Izuna Kira steps in to get something of his chest. He tells them that all the three things that have happened, Invasion of the Rebel Army, Mass Disappearance of Hollows and Missing People were all connected. But Kira suggests that the Missing People are not connected.
He asks any other Vice-Captain if anyone had visited outside of District 50, Yachiru tells them that she had gone to District 64. She says that he had seen footsteps gather in one place and then stopping. She also reveals that some of the footsteps looked naked and some had sandals.
Kira starts to put the pieces together, he says that the living standards in Rukongai had declined and that they were wearing rags and no shoes. He then stumbles upon the idea that the footsteps in district were mostly probably left by an Shinigami. Usually if they went there, someone from the Reishi Investigation Team of the Research and Development Institute would go along, but this time it didn’t happen.
Kira looks at Nemu Kutosuchi and asks what Mayuri is hiding. Nemu replies that she hasn’t given her any information about that case. Kira then reveals that his going to report this to the Yamamoto.
In Hueco Mundo, Kirge notices that Nel, a Hollow, is behind Ichigo. Nel notices that Kirge has completely beaten the Tres Bestia. Kirge mocks Ichigo as Nel grabs onto Ichigo’s shoulder since Hollow and Shinigami’s aren’t usually friends.
Kirge then reveals that he knows Ichigo Kurosaki, Ichigo isn’t surprised since there Ivan was somewhat similar to Kirge. Kirge tells Ichigo that he’s information was in the date which was given to them by their Majesty. Ichigo is referred to as the Special War Potential which must be dealt with right away.
As 3 Quincy’s go forth, Ichigo starts to take he’s sword out. But he notices that the speed that they arrive is incredibly fast, he thinks of how they had traveled, and it seems most similar to how Uryu travels, Hirenkyaku. They get their bow and arrow and quickly shoot.
Ichigo nearly escapes with some scratches, he asks if they are really Quincies, Kirge replies that Ichigo came to fight them without knowing what they are. Kirge tells Ichigo that you could have guessed but wanted to make sure that they were really Quincies. Kirge opens his sword and get’s ready to use his power. Kirge starts to tell Ichigo that he knows them very well, then he starts to say something when he fires he’s weapon, he had not finished what he said.
At the place where the King lies, a messenger receives a message form the First Iacto Arme which states that the Special War Potential, Ichigo Kurosaki has infiltrated Hueco Mundo and is currently fighting against the Captain Supervisor Kirge Opie. The King gets up and tells everyone to go to Soul Society as Ichigo Kurosaki is occupied with Kirge, giving them the perfect chance to occupy Soul Society. He tells the “Stern Ritter” or Star Knights to get ready to go. “The Vandenreich is about to invade Soul Society”.
We move onto Soul Society where Mayuri is talking to Yamamoto, he explains that he had to mobilized members of the 12th Division and ordered to kill around 28,000 Citizens of Rukongai, this was to correct the Balance of Souls. Yamamoto asks why Mayuri didn’t ask for permission, even if they would have gotten permission to do such a thing.
Mayuri explains that when Uryu infiltrated Seireitei as a Ryoka, he had warned Yamamoto about the consequences, but he had not listened. Mayuri starts to explain that it’s no one else’s fault but Yamamoto’s since 1000 Years ago, Yamamoto had failed to kill the King of Vandenreich, when they did attack. Amazing Bleach 489 chapter ends here.
What a crazy chapter that was! I can’t wait for next week’s Bleach 490 Chapter! The Final Bleach Arc is getting fantastically good that I really can’t wait to see next week’s! The Chapter is unfolding in such an awesome way!
- Nakama.ShatzuTNMAA FinesT
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Re: [Introduce] Bleach (manga)
Thu Apr 19, 2012 12:29 pm
Nice Post !
Ichigo! ftw..
btw.. keep it up..
Ichigo! ftw..
btw.. keep it up..
- markjericTNMAA VIP Member
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Re: [Introduce] Bleach (manga)
Thu Apr 19, 2012 12:44 pm
Thank You! yes i will keep it up =)
- nachiiDragon Balls Collector
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Re: [Introduce] Bleach (manga)
Thu Apr 19, 2012 2:39 pm
I like this chapter coz, Rukia, Renji and Rangiku appeared!!!
Huwaaa! Wattaminit! Did Rangiku cut her hair ?
>.< It seems so, anyway, I want to know who this Vendenreich really is.
King of Quincy ? :lol!:
Huwaaa! Wattaminit! Did Rangiku cut her hair ?
>.< It seems so, anyway, I want to know who this Vendenreich really is.
King of Quincy ? :lol!:
- markjericTNMAA VIP Member
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Re: [Introduce] Bleach (manga)
Thu Apr 19, 2012 2:54 pm
Maybe? =)
- nachiiDragon Balls Collector
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Re: [Introduce] Bleach (manga)
Thu Apr 19, 2012 3:00 pm
Haha, that would be EPIC.
I originally thought he was the captain of Squad 0
But, from what I see from the latest chapters... I guess not.
I originally thought he was the captain of Squad 0
But, from what I see from the latest chapters... I guess not.
- markjericTNMAA VIP Member
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Re: [Introduce] Bleach (manga)
Thu Apr 19, 2012 3:04 pm
i think. maybe Zangetsu has a connection with Vendenreich! =)
- shanksen28Fairy Tail Mage
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Re: [Introduce] Bleach (manga)
Thu Apr 19, 2012 4:05 pm
- wackyboiNewbie
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Re: [Introduce] Bleach (manga)
Thu Apr 19, 2012 5:04 pm
so what are your predictions? :D
- markjericTNMAA VIP Member
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Re: [Introduce] Bleach (manga)
Thu Apr 19, 2012 6:27 pm
of course Ichigo will win when the battle starts. hohoho! =)
- nachiiDragon Balls Collector
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Re: [Introduce] Bleach (manga)
Thu Apr 19, 2012 6:41 pm
markjeric.reyes wrote:i think. maybe Zangetsu has a connection with Vendenreich! =)
Hahaha! Yeah! They look alike! :D
- markjericTNMAA VIP Member
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Re: [Introduce] Bleach (manga)
Thu Apr 19, 2012 7:47 pm
nani_nina wrote:markjeric.reyes wrote:i think. maybe Zangetsu has a connection with Vendenreich! =)
Hahaha! Yeah! They look alike! :D
hahaha! =)
- hackimistTNMAA FinesT
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Re: [Introduce] Bleach (manga)
Thu Apr 19, 2012 9:57 pm
markjeric.reyes wrote:i think. maybe Zangetsu has a connection with Vendenreich! =)
Same here ..
- +Guilty_Crown_Addict+Fairy Tail Mage
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Re: [Introduce] Bleach (manga)
Thu Apr 19, 2012 10:45 pm
wish they could update faster~
- markjericTNMAA VIP Member
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Re: [Introduce] Bleach (manga)
Thu Apr 19, 2012 10:57 pm
+Guilty_Crown_Addict+ wrote:wish they could update faster~
i hope so! =)
- markjericTNMAA VIP Member
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Re: [Introduce] Bleach (manga)
Sat Apr 21, 2012 5:41 am
- markjericTNMAA VIP Member
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Bleach Chapter 488 and 489 – Blade, Arrow’s and Genocide…
Thu Apr 26, 2012 1:54 am
Awe WRA and welcome to another Bleach Manga Breakdown, will begin the breakdown stating just how glad I am the Mangastream is back to publishing our favorite Manga, sure it’s not forever hosted but man the quality of their translations and even just the different fonts they use to describe tones etc makes the chapters seem so much better. I cannot fault mangahere and mangareader either they both amazing sites with a wide variety of manga on show, I just enjoy the attention to detail Mangastream gives =)
- Spoiler:
- I will begin with the chapter 488, we begin with the “Tres Bestia” facing off against the Quincy Commander. Though we are quickly switched to Ichigo running towards the battlefield with a little friend on his back. Reminded me of the beginning of Arrancar Arc, almost wonder why Ichigo didn’t expect Nel to be there. She states that these three Fracion are not just mere push overs (Which was my first clue that they gonna get pawned later ) though even remembering back to the War arc they had done a lot of damage. Which made me think, why didn’t they attempt to create another Ayon maybe they couldn’t risk loosing their other arms? -_-
They do make quick work of the lakies which can be expected by now but the Captain seems to more interested in finishing the job aptly cutting down his underling that attempt to escape… This makes me wonder… O_O where are all these Quincy coming from? I mean Uryu is a human and we see that some of these Quincy are created from Hollows like arrancar but they seem to killed quickly by their Captains and Superiors? Seems this entire force are only kept together by fear will we be seeing a “300 meme” situation later (no not the “this is sparta” <__< )
After offering the Tres Bestia a position, that evidently just opened up, in the army which is promptly declined… At this point I knew… This cannot end well @___@.
We then move to the Captain’s Meeting to deal with the new threat, with Mayuri revealing finally that these are in fact Quincy we dealing with and calling them a “rebel army” (I like that… I am gonna keep calling them that its easier to spell and I am lazy <__<) I loved the scene above and my mouth watered thinking about seeing this moment in the anime but then I remembered… Bleach anime got canceled T__T , slowly growing back to old self and one of the best manga’s I personally read currently to be cut out in its prime was a sad reminder and whenever there is an epic moment I have to remind myself… I may never see this in anime form… T___T
Captain Commander looks seriously Pissed off @__@ demanding almost immediately for this “Rebel Armies” location which it seems for now will remain a mystery… but I like that the Commander then begins preparations for a defence sending most of the Captains away, man my mouth is already watering at the prospects… deeply hoping Kubo wont F this one up like before.
When we return to the “Tres Bestia” first thing I notice in the above image… They seem to all still have 2 arms remaining @__@ plot hole or just a small error in drawing well lets just ignore and move on
The Captain was more than enough for the three which make me think he is at least higher Shinigami Captain level… Ichigo arrives as ever in dramatic fashion and immediately revealing his location.
And so we move to the chapter from MangastreamAnother reminder of Soul Society Arc… Seeing into the Lieutenant’s in together during the Captain’s meeting discussing usually seems to hidden in the Captain Commanders Chambers, its funny how this now like back then is to bring up conspiracy theories and give us just enough doubt to rethink our positions on this arc so far.
Well we all know someone named Kira has to be awesome right but I really enjoyed watching the interactions at the beginning, Rukia, who would probably be the newest member of the 2nd in command group (since last time their was an invasion she was about to be killed @__@ ), nervous while Renji remain calm and cool. Kira was simple the one that looked further then the current crisis and tried to see that everything could be connected… Dun dun daaa…
He was able to deduce that the incidents of the missing Rukongai was linked to the 12th Division and the lieutenant of that Division very koi saying that “Mayuri wouldn’t do anything wrong” now this coming from a person created by the Captain in question that believes that him cutting her and nearly killing her often is justified… May be the most diplomatic answer available and in truth-telling the other nothing to what actually happened O_o
It seems Fullbring wasn’t completely forgotten with a quick reference to our dearly departed Ginjou. The “rebel army” seem to want Ichigo as a “Special Weapon” now we always knew that Ichigo was special with the dad being a Shinigami and all but his increased interest by this new faction made me wonder… What if his mother was Quincy? There seems to be 5 races in the Bleach Universe, Shinigami (Father’s Side), Quincy (Mother’s side??), Human (He was born a Human), Hollow (Has an inner Hollow spirit) and Fullbring (Special Humans which he gained part of)…. This would make sense to me but I will return to this point at the end.
We again confirm that these are Quincy, this is where mangastreams translations really made a difference, though the tone is completely with the Captain questioning Ichigo’s lack of knowledge and then finally confirming they are truly Quincy… Though this Captain seems to unleash his Bow and Arrow by drawing his sword which could mean there is more to the Quincy then we have seen from Uryu. I also believe that Uryu knows that it is Quincy in the Soul Society and has turned to his father for answers (though this is just me guessing at the moment. =)
We return to the Rebel Army’s Leader, after hearing of Ichigo’s appearance in Hueco Mundo he moves towards Soul Soceity with the continuing reference to this “Special Weapon” Ichigo… And like it was pointed out in the previous breakdown this strategy has been envoked already in the manga and while I agree we seen this before I believe it just makes sense in the end… I mean they just like 3 days early anyways. =P
The final 3 Pages of this Chapter pushed Bleach this week on the top of my Manga list. We first given details of the missing Rukongai and that it was the actions of the Soul Society that brought about the extermination of these souls… Even though it seems to be the Soul actions of the 12th Division we see that it was actually’s Captain Commanders lack of action that seems to have brought this appon the SS, firstly ignoring the threat of Uryu (which we always accepted) and 2nd and the final moment of this chapter, that 1000 years ago he allowed “a man” to live, it is linked that this man is none other than the leader of the Rebels… but we are not certain about this currently…
Now to my theory that Ichigo’s mother could have been a Quincy,
1. )Before we believed that the quincy where killed ruthlessly but now we see the Captain “allow” one to live…
2.) Kubo stated that Isshin back story would be developed more and this is the final arc involving Quincy so the two must in some way co relate….
3.) The captain of this group in Hueco Mundo, his Cross is release as a Blade could Ichigo ability to fire Reitsu be similar to the Quincy’s that use Blades to shoot their arrows?
4.) It would make Ichigo a perfect being with the dna or abilities of all the major races in Bleach giving his status as the “special weapon more meaning
Well that is all from me, hope gave you guys something to think of… Sorry if it’s a little long but there was a lot to cover X__X
- +Guilty_Crown_Addict+Fairy Tail Mage
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Re: [Introduce] Bleach (manga)
Thu Apr 26, 2012 1:56 am
I wonder who that "king" really is??? he looks like Zangetsu~
- markjericTNMAA VIP Member
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Re: [Introduce] Bleach (manga)
Thu Apr 26, 2012 2:02 am
Refer to this thread! =) Is the King of Vandenreich Yamamoto’s Son?
- Cadis Etrama di RaizelNewbie
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Re: [Introduce] Bleach (manga)
Thu Apr 26, 2012 2:11 am
no, he is the leader of the quincy that yamamoto failed to killmarkjeric.reyes wrote:Refer to this thread! =) Is the King of Vandenreich Yamamoto’s Son?
- +Guilty_Crown_Addict+Fairy Tail Mage
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Re: [Introduce] Bleach (manga)
Thu Apr 26, 2012 2:13 am
markjeric.reyes wrote:Refer to this thread! =) Is the King of Vandenreich Yamamoto’s Son?
tnx~ and nice theory~
- markjericTNMAA VIP Member
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Re: [Introduce] Bleach (manga)
Thu Apr 26, 2012 2:16 am
Cadis Etrama di Raizel wrote:no, he is the leader of the quincy that yamamoto failed to killmarkjeric.reyes wrote:Refer to this thread! =) Is the King of Vandenreich Yamamoto’s Son?
I Hope so. =)
- markjericTNMAA VIP Member
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Re: [Introduce] Bleach (manga)
Fri Apr 27, 2012 11:10 am
- markjericTNMAA VIP Member
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Kirge’s Forstendich Release – Sternenritter Ready for War! – Bleach 490
Sun Apr 29, 2012 2:32 am
- Spoiler:
- The epic story within the Final Arc continues with the latest Bleach 490! The
Sternenritter, meaning Star Knights, have been told by his Majesty to prepare at once for the upcoming war. In Hueco Mundo, Ichigo finds himself in trouble as he’s up against Kirge Opie. Kirge releases a great technique called the Forstendich allowing him to gain incredible powers. Everyone in Soul Society start to panic due to the short time for their preparation.
We start the episode in the head quarters of the Vandenreich where a report is being told. His Majesty has told the Sternenritter to prepare for the upcoming war. Ichigo Kurosaki, one of the five special weapons, is busy fighting with Kirge Opie giving them the chance to attack Soul Society. The Vandenreich will now invade Soul Society!
In Hueco Mundo, the fight between Ichigo vs Kirge. Kirge gets a perfect hit on Ichigo using the Quincy Bow. Kirge asks Ichigo if that’s all he’s got because it was nothing. Kirge notices Ichigo’s Sword fall straight down. As the smoke disappears, Kirge notices that Ichigo held the bow only using he’s hand. Ichigo throws the bow back causing a large explosion.
Ichigo goes down and tells Orihime to take care of Nel because she’ll only be in the way. Ichigo then launches a wave of he’s power pushing Kirge to go back. Kirge has a smirk on his face when he tells Ichigo that he was able to dodge, repel and throw back the Heirich Pfeil.
Ichigo tells Kirge that it was stronger than Ishida’s arrow. Kirge replies that he knows Ishida Uryu and that it’s should be weaker than his. Kirge tells Ichigo that he’s told Ichigo too much information, and that after this battle, Kirge will have to report back a lot of information.
Ichigo asks who his Majesty is, Kirge replies that he has no need to answer that question. At this point, Kirge Opie receives a report that he should defeat Ichigo with all of his strength. Kirge Opie then tells Ichigo about an ability which allows them to transform into their greatest form, called the “Quincy: Letzt Stil”.
He wears a glove on he’s hand which activates to create a large allow on the sky with a round circle with two slashes on it. The large bow breaks and behind it lies Kirge Opie in his Final Form! It’s called the “Forstendich”.
Somewhere else, Pesche and Urahara are trying to get Dondochakka back. I now suspect that this is Soul Society, where a large object, which looks like a large feet to me appears in the sky where it may now try to crush all the houses. Time continues to step towards Oblivion! Bleach Chapter 490 ends here!
That was one fantastic chapter. Due to the Golden Week in Japan, Bleach 490 and other chapter have been released late. But I think it was worth waiting for it because the amount of action happening in Bleach currently is just fantastic! I literally can’t wait for next week’s Bleach 491 chapter!
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